2:00-3:30pm Celebration Christmas Tea – all welcome to come and celebrate with carols, tea and a Christmas message
7th December
3-5pm Children’s Christmas Party, all kids 1-11 years old (and older siblings) parental supervision required (Church Centre and Garden). Sign up here £5 per ticket. Запрошуються діти будь якого віку, присутність батьків обовязкова. Свято буде проходити англійською мовою з перекладом основної частини на українську мову. Зареєструйтесь тут
8th December
2:30pm Gingerbread Party for Families (Church Centre and Garden) with carols and talk
4pm City Family Carols Service
6:30pmCarol Service (with band)
15th December
4pm Carol Service (with orchestra and choir)
6:30pm Carol Service (with orchestra and choir)
18th-21st December
1-1:20pmLunchtime Carols (with drinks and mince pies)
21st December
4pm Ukrainian Family Carol Service – for families with children aged 4-16, Christmas Story, games, carols, crafts and treats