Digging Deeper: Spring 2023

Each term we set aside an evening for all the church family to come together to consider a theme or issue relating to the sermon series for that term. This usually takes the format of three or four seminars addressing different aspects of the theme. 

In our last Digging Deeper on we looked at how to confidently speak about Jesus.  

Seminar 1  Fresh Vision for Evangelism led by Charlie Styles

Download handout here

Recording is not available 

Seminar 2 Answering Difficult Questions led by Sara Stevenson 

Recording is not available 

Seminar 3 Introducing Jesus into the conversation led by Alanzo Paul 

Seminar 4 Engaging Across Cultures led by Rachel Chard and Gail Willows.

Download handout here  

Due to sensitivities this recording is not available here but can be requested via the Church Office

Previous Digging Deeper Seminars

Summer 2022: Themes from Ephesians 4-6: Spiritual Warfare, Anger, Work, Forgiveness.

Autumn 2023: Themes on ‘Healthier Church Culture’: Social Action, Class, Men & Women roles