Social Action
Serving the City of Oxford
At St Ebbe’s we believe the Gospel of Jesus changes us from within such that we are empowered to live Christlike lives of self-giving love which serve the poor and challenge injustices in our society and our world.
How we're involved, How to get involved, How to get help
Open Door
At Open Door the door’s wide open to the vulnerably housed and those out of prison as we offer a warm meal, practical support and signposting help, friendship, and – should our guests desire to stay after the meal – Bible study and prayer support.
If you’re interested in volunteering with our Open Door team, please contact our team leaders: Andrew Turnbull.
St Ebbe's Christians Against Poverty
Debt Centre and Life Skills Course
We partner with Christians Against Poverty to help the indebted of our city discover practical ways out of debt and the hope that Jesus Christ offers. We provide both a Debt Centre service, and a Life Skills Course.
In debt and want help? We’re here to walk with you. See HERE or contact Kirsten Beavan.
CAP Life Skills Course, Friday Lunchtimes in The Pennyfarthing
An 8 week course open to anyone struggling with the pressure of life on a low income, or with increasingly unmanageable bills in the current cost of living crisis. The course is free, and includes sessions on budgeting, shopping on a budget, eating healthily, staying on top of your home energy bills, and maintaining healthy relationships during stressful times. There is also one-on-one coaching to help members reach the goals they set themselves for the course.
Courses run regularly throughout the year. For more information, or to sign up for the next course, please get in touch with Kirsten Beavan
To volunteer with our debt centre as a befriender, or to be a part of our CAP prayer team, contact Kirsten Beaven
St Ebbe's Hardship Fund
The Hardship Fund Committee takes applications on a very regular basis. Gifts and grants are made to help alleviate the burden of many different practical needs. For example, the fund has been used to open the door to counselling services where those in need can’t afford it. Anyone involved with St Ebbe’s or living in our parish, can apply.
To apply to our hardship fund contact All enquires are confidential.
For statistics on deprivation in our parish, see here, where it is ranked ‘among the most deprived in the country’.
You can help supply the fund’s work with those in financial hardship in our church and local community by donating here and referencing ‘Hardship Fund’.
The Hope Trust Oxford is a Christian charitable trust affiliated to St Ebbe’s that seeks to reach out to the disadvantaged in the local parish and surrounding areas with the hope of Jesus by supporting gospel partnerships. The Hope Trust facilitates St Ebbe’s CAP work, and other similar partnerships.
For more information and to give to the Trust, see here.
Oxford Winter Night Shelter
St Ebbe’s has the privilege of being one of several churches in Oxford that work together to provide extra beds for the homeless of our city through the coldest winter months. Many members of St Ebbe’s volunteer with the ministry, and our facilities are used from January to March hosting OWNS one night a week.
To get help from OWNS, and to apply to volunteer or donate to OWNS, please click here.
The Gospel and Social Justice
Wondering how the Gospel of Jesus Christ connects with issues of social justice in our society and wider world?
You might want to start with ‘Social Justice’ (a 25 minute seminar by Vaughan Roberts).
At our Digging Deeper in November 2024 our theme was ‘The Church and Social Action’ watch the recordings here.
Want to go deeper? Then take in this three-part sermon series, also by Vaughan Roberts:
Part 1 – ‘Social Justice and the Character of God’ (Deuteronomy 10:12-22)
Part 2 – ‘Social Justice and Evangelism’ (James 2:14-26)
Part 3 – ‘Social Justice and the Church’ (Job 29)
Further Resources
Good News to the Poor: Social Involvement and the Gospel by Tim Chester
Evangelicals and Social Action: From John Wesley to John Stott, by Ian Shaw