Harvest Offering 2024

Each Autumn St Ebbe's usually partners with two projects, one overseas and another in the UK, particularly seeking to support Christians giving practical help to those in need.
"All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along."
Galatians 2:10
St Raphael Educational Center is a school for Sudanese refugee children, run by the Anglican Diocese of Egypt
The school started in 2015 as a response to the number of Sudanese refugees coming to Egypt. With just three classes in a two storey apartment building the school was established. It now has twelve classrooms with children from the age of four to eighteen. Classroom’s have only a white board and a few notebooks for the pupils.
For these eager children it is their first opportunity to gain a foothold in their new society. The school offers the Sudanese curriculum, supervised by the Sudanese Embassy in Cairo.
The current space is overcrowded with a cap of 300 children and poorly resourced. But the exciting news is that the Diocese has purchased another building. This is larger and more suitable for a school and will include a church and a community centre for mothers and youth, offering seminars on nutrition, hygiene, and disease management for refugees and Egyptians.
The current estimate for renovation and to refurbish the building is set at £150,000
Please pray for peace in Sudan and for the diocese as we partner with them in supporting these Sudanese children.
The Hope Trust Oxford

Oxford is a city of great contrasts: from the dreaming spires that pierce the skyline, to those who live in the cold shadow of those towers, homeless and alone. The Hope Trust Oxford partners with ministries that bring the hope of Jesus to the poorest of Oxford by speaking and modelling his gospel of forgiveness and new life through faith in him.
The Hope Trust partners closely with St Ebbe’s to sponsor a Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre and Life Skills Course that runs out of St Ebbe’s Central and Grace Church Cowley. CAP is licensed with the
Financial Conduct Authority to work with creditors on behalf of clients to help them out of debt, giving ample opportunity to share the gospel of Christ and build relational links to church along the way.
With past support from the annual Harvest Offering, The Hope Trust has been able to employ a full-time Debt and Life Skills Manager (Kirsten Beavan) and has just appointed a new Debt and Life Skills Coach to work alongside her (Jonny Harnett).
Our Debt Centre characteristically runs at capacity. So much remains to be done! And we need your help to ensure The Hope Trust’s ability to sponsor the CAP work at St Ebbe’s, and other similar gospel
endeavours among the poor of our city.
More info: thehopetrustoxford.org
How to respond
If you wish to contribute towards the Harvest Offering 2024, there are a number of ways in which you can send a gift, but in all cases, it is a great help if you would inform the St Ebbe’s Finance Administrator of your decision. Details of how to give can be found below. Please complete form below and press the submit button.
If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid is a means by which the value of your gift can increase by 25% without any additional cost to you. If you are eligible, please tick the appropriate box in the form.
Your response will be confidential and known only to the Finance Administrator.
Please make cheques/charity vouchers payable to “PCC of St Ebbe’s Church” and send to:
Financial Administrator (Private & Confidential),
St Ebbe’s Church
2 Roger Bacon Lane
Please use the form below to tell the finance team about your gift so it can be appropriately directed.