
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times; having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:7-8
The whole range of the work at St Ebbe’s, with the people of the local parish, children, 20s and 30s, families, UK and international students from both the University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes, the elderly, overseas partners and much else besides, is dependent, under God, on the generous giving of church family members and a few others. We would be glad of your partnership in this gospel work through prayer and giving of time and money.
Information about the Gift Day can be found here.
Our booklet ‘Giving to support Gospel Ministry at St Ebbe’s’ (PDF) includes further information about our finances, plus more information on a biblical perspective on giving.
Where does the money come from?
The vast majority of our income comes from donations made by members of the congregation or other well-wishers. Another source of support for our work amongst students is an independent trust, Friends of St Ebbe’s’ (FoSE). Tax refunds from donations made under Gift Aid are an important source of funding and people remembering the work of St Ebbe’s in their wills have been a great blessing to the church.
What is it spent on?
Our highest area of expenditure is staffing costs, followed by payments to overseas partners and mission societies. Buildings and administration costs make up the balance of what we spend.
Our money gets spent across the range of ministries in ways and amounts which are monitored and controlled by the elected representatives of the church—the Parochial Church Council (PCC). This constant review, as well as the presentation and publication of accounts once per year ensures we do our best to honour God with the way in which our resources are spent. A copy of our Accounts for the last financial year can be downloaded here (PDF).
How to give
The most helpful way to give is in a regular committed way, such as a standing order. This allows us to plan our finances much more easily. Please download a giving response form and send it to the Financial Administrator.
If you wish to make a one-off donation to the work of St Ebbe’s, this can be done by sending a cheque (payable to “St Ebbe’s PCC”) to the Financial Administrator, along with a giving response form. You can also send money directly to our bank account (details on the giving response form) or use our online giving page at
Tax efficiently
If you are a UK taxpayer, we would encourage you to complete a Gift Aid declaration as this increases the value of your donation by up to one-third because we claim back the tax you have paid. Please complete the relevant section of the giving response form and make sure that we know that every gift you make is from you. Please note that to qualify for Gift Aid you must pay UK income and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax reclaimed on your donations.
The Gift Aid declaration form can be found here.
Alternatively, you could use your employer’s PAYE Payroll Giving scheme. This is a means of giving from your income before tax is deducted – no Gift Aid Declaration is required.
If you pay tax at the higher rate, you can claim further tax relief in your self-assessment tax return. The Financial Administrator is happy to give further advice.
A number of people have generously remembered the work of St Ebbe’s through legacies in their wills. If you would like information on how this may be done, please contact the Financial Administrator.
Changes in giving
- If you would like to change the level of your giving, please use our giving response form.
- If you decide to stop giving or no longer want St Ebbe’s to be able to claim Gift Aid, please let the Financial Administrator know.
- If your name or address changes, please also inform the Financial Administrator.
Gift Days
Each year we hold Gift Days in May and November to help us give a priority to this important area of Christian life and to consider our own response in light of the needs of St Ebbe’s. More information on the next Gift Day can be found here.
Contact details for forms, donations and information
The Financial Administrator
St Ebbe’s Church
2 Roger Bacon Lane
Oxford, OX1 1QE
Phone: 01865 240438