Psalm 119 “How I love your word!” (Psalm 119:97)
On Sunday 26th January we will begin a new series at 10am looking at Psalm 119. Here are some extra resources to help us meditate on the psalm. This psalm reveals the heart of one who loves God’s word as he cries out in passionate prayer to Him. It is an acrostic poem, in which each section (and every verse in the section) begins with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet in turn. Almost every verse contains a synonym for God’s word (e.g. law, precepts, decrees). The beauty and intricacy of the Psalm’s form reflect the perfection of God’s word and the Psalmist’s delight in it. As we spend time meditating on the Psalm, both in the sermon series and in our own reading, let us pray that our hearts are increasingly shaped by the same loves and longings that it expresses.
Daily Reading Plan (“The unfolding of your word gives light”, v130)
You might like to read a section in the morning and one verse (in brackets) later in the day.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
v1-8 (1)
v33-40 (35)
v65-72 (67)
v97-104 (97)
v129-136 (136)
v161-168 (165)
v9-16 (11)
v41-48 (45)
v73-80 (76)
v105-112 (105)
v137-144 (140)
v169-176 (176)
v1-16 (14)
v33-48 (37)
v65-80 (80)
v97-112 (103)
v129-144 (143)
v1-48 (10)
v17-24 (20)
v49-56 (50)
v81-88 (83)
v113-120 (120)
v145-152 (147)
v49-96 (81)
v25-32 (28)
v57-64 (64)
v89-96 (89)
v121-128 (126)
v153-160 (156)
v97-144 (129)
v17-32 (30)
v49-64 (60)
v81-96 (96)
v113-128 (114)
v145-160 (160)
v145-160 (172)
Begin with prayer
“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law” (v18)
Questions to consider (“I meditate on your precepts”, v15)
• What does the Psalmist pray?
– Note the content of what he says…
– and the emotion with which he speaks
• What is the challenge for me… and encouragement?
• Turn these thoughts into a prayer.
Verses to learn (“I have hidden your word in my heart”, v11)
Week 1: “Blessed are those whose ways are blameless,
who walk according to the law of the Lord.” (v1)
Week 2: “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (v11)
Week 3: “Though I am like a wineskin in the smoke, I do not forget your decrees.” (v83)
Week 4: “O how I love your law!
I meditate on it all day long.” (v97)
Week 5: “You are my refuge and shield;
I have put my hope in your word.” (v114)
Week 6: “Great peace have those who love your law,
and nothing can make them stumble.” (v165)
Songs to sing (“May my tongue sing of your word”, v172)
Your Word by Emu Music
Thy Word by Amy Grant
How Firm a Foundation by unknown (attributed to K)
Your Words Are Wonderful (Psalm 119) by Sovereign Grace Music
Loving Heavenly Father,
Your word is a priceless treasure, bringing light to our path and joy to our hearts. By your Holy Spirit teach us to delight in your precepts and love your commands. Stir us to seek you with all our hearts and obey you in all things. As a church, keep us steadfast in your truth, that we may not be led astray by the distractions of this world. Help us to encourage one another with your promises, which are our refuge and comfort in times of trouble. As we meditate on your word, transform us into people who reflect your love, mercy and faithfulness, drawing others to you.
We pray this in the name of Jesus, the Living Word. Amen.
Recommended book
Bible Delight by Christopher Ash available at the bookstall for £9 or on line.
Listen to the serons here
Flyer with the Bible reading plan
pdf version is here