Switched On: God & Technology

In January 2022 we considered the theme of God and Technology with a series of sermons, seminars and discussion groups. 

Below, you’ll find links to the sermon series and seminar sign ups, a digital audit, and resources for families and those struggling with secret sin

Digital Audit
  • How often do I look at my phone/go online?
    • What for?
    • For how long? 
  • What does this reveal about my priorities?
    • Do they fit with God’s purposes for my life or work against them?
  • Is my use of digital technology helping or hindering:
    • my relationship with God?
    • my relationship with others? 
    • my relationship with the natural world? 
  • What do I need to change? 
Help me think through tech with my family.

It may be that you want to use this sermon series as an opportunity to rethink how digital media and digital devices are used within your family. We’d really recommend Left to their own devices? Which is a Care for the Family video resource you can download for free. It’s about an hour long and includes some really helpful discussion. They also include various links to really helpful websites and organisations that can help you. Along with this why not read  The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch, which is intended for adults and perhaps even My Tech-Wise Life (also by Andy Crouch) which the author wrote with his daughter and is intended to be read by parents and teenagers together.

Help, I'm struggling with secret sin.

If this is you, please do get in touch with a friend or someone you trust at St Ebbe’s to chat things through. If you’re struggling with pornography and would like some accountability software recommendations CovenantEyes is excellent. We’d also recommend three books on the topic, one very personal,  Pure Desire by Ted Roberts, one written from a woman’s perspective, Purity Is Possible by Helen Thorne, and one which will help you understand the heart dynamics of pornography use, Captured By A Better Vision by Tim Chester.