
We take the safeguarding and care of children, young people, victims of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults very seriously.

If anyone is in danger

If anyone is in immediate danger, call the police on 999 straight away.

Reporting safeguarding concerns

If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of a child or vulnerable adult


If you are concerned that something at church is not right

Please contact Alyson Grove (Staff Safeguarding Lead, Adults), Toby Collins (Staff Safeguarding Lead, U18s) or Niki Ridgway (Parish Safeguarding Officer).

Niki Ridgway

Parish Safeguarding Officer

Alyson Grove

Staff Safeguarding Lead (Adults)

Toby Collins

Staff Safeguarding Lead (U18s)

Tim Dossor

Safeguarding Committee Chair

Safeguarding at St Ebbe's

We are committed to the care and flourishing of all children and adults. We work hard to ensure that we operate in line with current best practice, as laid out in the Church of England safeguarding policy ‘Promoting a Safer Church‘. These recommendations include areas such as day-to-day carerecruitment of staff and volunteersDBS clearance and training. The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England website.

Please also see:

If you would like more information, please speak to a member of staff or contact our Staff Safeguarding Leads, Alyson Grove or Toby Collins. For more information on Domestic Abuse please see the page here.

Reporting Safeguarding Concerns

Any allegation or concern regarding the abuse of a child or vulnerable adult must be treated seriously and reported as soon as possible. A concern can arise when you observe or suspect abusive behaviour, when an allegation is made or disclosed, or where there are indicators (signs and symptoms) of suspected abuse on the victim.

There are several ways for you to report a safeguarding concern:

  • To the Staff Safeguarding Leads, Alyson Grove (Adults) or Toby Collins (U18s).

Alyson or Toby would normally be the first person to contact but if you would prefer to speak to someone else, or someone who is not a member of staff, please contact:

  • The Parish Safeguarding Officer, Niki Ridgway.
  • Or the Diocesan Area Safeguarding Advisor, Sophie Harrold.

All concerns raised will be investigated thoroughly and action taken in line with St Ebbe’s Church’s safeguarding policies and procedures. Confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest practical extent. The main exceptions are when the law requires disclosure, or when someone is at risk.

If you would like to report a concern or seek advice outside St Ebbe’s and the Diocese of Oxford, then please contact:

  • Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service, run by First Light service, an independent charity that specialises in supporting victims and survivors of abuse. The opening hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday, with late opening until 7pm on Tuesdays.

    You can contact the Safe Spaces team through their helpline (0300 303 1056), their live chat facility or by emailing

To report other concerns that are not safeguarding-related, please see Reporting concerns, complaints and whistleblowing.

The Church of England Independent Learning Lessons Review - John Smyth QC - by Keith Makin

The Makin Review reveals both the horrors of John Smyth’s abuses and very serious failings in the responses in the early 1980s and for decades afterwards. We must pray for the many whose lives have been profoundly damaged as a result. It is vital that the review’s warnings and recommendations are fully heeded. It is found here.

Further Support

If you would like further support please contact a member of staff via the office.

Or contact:


Alyson Grove

Staff Safeguarding Lead (Adults)

Toby Collins

Staff Safeguarding Lead (U18s)

Niki Ridgway

Parish Safeguarding Officer