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Oxford is a beautiful city. It is a place rich in British history and tradition. It has people who are world leaders in their particular disciplines. It offers you wonderful opportunities to advance your career and make life-long friends. Yet it is also a confusing city. You can get lost easily in its narrow streets. You can feel overwhelmed by all it has to offer. You can be unsure of who to ask for help, especially with some of the big questions of life.
At St Ebbe’s Church, we want to make it easy for you to get to know others well and God better. That’s why we come together on Sundays! Here are some of the smaller groups that meet during the week and what they offer.
We are an international community of postgrad students and postdocs and their spouses seeking together to worship God with all of our lives and share his good news with the church, university and world so others might follow Christ too. Whether you are a committed Christian, or someone looking into the Christian faith, you are very welcome. Glenn, Nancy-Page, and Nathan, our postgraduate student ministers, would love to meet you.
Our regular mid-week group is Thesis. We meet on Tuesdays from 7-9pm for a meal, Bible study discussion, prayer and deepening friendships.
We have a large and friendly student community. If you’re new to Oxford and want to find out about St Ebbe’s then do get in touch. Josh and Ellie our undergrad student ministers, would love to hear from you!
For international undergraduates, we have Focus in term-time (0th week to 8th week). From 7.30pm-9:30pm on Thursday evenings, we share a meal, study the Bible, pray and get to know each other better Focus is a home for internationals, enabling us to share the joys and challenges of being a student from outside the UK and preparing us for returning home.